Molin Liu

Traveling among various countries and capturing my favorite moments is a wonderful thing and an essential part of my life I enjoy. Converting the ordinary transient moments in everyday life to permanent visual images is what the photographer does. There are some moments I need to be extremely careful to observe to capture. They are different from shooting sunset or drip-drops from the roof. Like a performance artist dressed as a clown makes trouble to people who are drinking coffee; a restaurant waiter nods and smiles at you when walking in the alleys of Venice, or a stranger’s back - all of these are ordinary views, but full of special memories and thoughts. Only by following my heart can I find those meaningful moments. However, I do not want those wonderful moments only to stay on my camera. I want to share them with others and enjoy this kind of happiness that photos bring to us.


Charley Czajkoski


Amy Mitman: Squirrels